Posting workers to Italy

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With the Ministerial decree n. 28 from 6 August 2021, Italy now requires companies posting workers to Italy to register themselves on CLICLAVORO portal at and follow the new procedure.

The Telematic communication must be transmitted, electronically, through the UNI_DISTACCO_UE form by midnight of the day preceding the beginning of the posting period. This notification may be cancelled by midnight on the day of commencement of the posting period. Moreover, any subsequent change in the notice must be submitted within 5 days of the occurrence of the modification event;

The change in the start date of the posting must be notified by midnight on the day prior to the start of the posting;

The reasoned notification for long-term postings must be sent within 5 days of exceeding 12 months of the duration of the posting.

For more information, please click here

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